
After observing the world over the past week or so and seeing the mass amounts of violence and hatred, towards people because they are Asian, that is absolute bullshit. I want to talk about the shootings in Atlanta, a man killed people that were Asian, and the sheriff had the nerve to say the guy was having a bad day, and that they were not race-related, yet all the people killed were Asian. This should be seen as a hate crime, and hope that they see it as that soon. I have liked giving cops the benefit of the doubt but they are saying and doing things that I can’t stand by. Anything that is a different race than white, is played down, and that should not be happening, all people should be treated the same and be processed in the legal eye the same. No matter if you are black, Asian, or Hispanic we all should be able to live in the same world. I hate to see people getting treated differently because I know what it feels like, having hearing impairment my whole life I have been treated differently and I want it to change. People should not have to live in fear of being hurt or killed, it should not be like that, be nice. Stop Asian hate.

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Stop AAPI Hate

I am the creator of the worst. Gal on the brink of a mental breakdown trying to hold it together. Join me as I riot!

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