
It has been about a year since everything kind of shutdown in Oregon/us. Covid could have been limited if we would have just listened. But no most Americans are too self-centered, they don’t care about anyone but themselves. But that’s beside the point. I am very upset that Oregon specifically wants to go back to school… That is a bad decision regardless of the precautions, some kids will not listen and just take off or not wear a mask. I chose to be full online because I knew they would pull something like this. There are thousands of cases in Oregon (Spread out) and they are going to be having us go back as soon as next month. I do not know the specifics on going back because I’m not going back, I think anything involving in-person school is a terrible idea. Again Oregon and literally everywhere… JUST WEAR A MASK, It’s not that hard.


So this was august of last year, I got invited to a wedding, so of course, I went. Before I continue I want to give you a little backstory, I won’t be saying names. The groom kept getting tested for Covid, all tests came back negative, so they decided to have the wedding. He had gotten a test done a couple of days before the wedding. They did not wait for this to come back. So the wedding started then ended, about 2 to 3 hours after the wedding, my dad got a call… The groom’s test came back. He had covid, and I had to spend the rest of my summer break at my dad’s house. The moral of the story is, don’t go to weddings.

Thoughts on the vaccine

I love that there is a vaccine and that it’s being given out. This is for very special people, vaccines don’t give you autism, that’s not how this works.

Thanks reading!

I am the creator of the worst. Gal on the brink of a mental breakdown trying to hold it together. Join me as I riot!

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