Category: Developer

Stuff about Developer stuff

Banned VPNs

I’ve been dealing with anti-trans, anti-gay, and zionist links being made on, so to combat this, I have banned every single VPN from creating links. This doesn’t mean that if you use a VPN, you won’t be able to access short URLs; it just means you can’t use our Front-end or API to create links.

The return of Codsworth

I don’t know when, but in the next few months, Codsworth will return! It will be more than just a music bot; it will have multiple functions in one! Codsworth has been completely rewritten to support more streaming services, including Spotify, SoundCloud, and YouTube. It will also use the built-in Discord command system instead of […]

Im stuck.

When it comes to this website it’s good. But I want to do something different with, It’s been the same for about a year. I have many options but none are my endgame solution, I can use Hugo, Jekyll, and WordPress. My problem with Hugo is that it is advertised as easy, but […]

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